Flourish and Bloom

Fiery Fall Bouquet

The flaming colors of this bouquet show shades of red and orange in roses, rose hips, banksia, chrysanthemums, and hypericum berry.

Fan Style Bouquet

This bouquet is simple and sweet with roses, freesia, ranunculus and lisianthus. Rustic twigs are used to make a unique fan shape and finished with an ivory silk ribbon.

Peony Bouquet

This bouquet is filled with lush peonies and lily-of-the-valley. Roses and chrysanthemums accent the pinks and glossy green leaves frame the flowers.

Purple and Yellow Bouquet

This bouquet stars yellow roses, purple liatris, iris and crysantheums and accented with green trick. It is finished with purple silk.

Sunshine Orchid Bouquet

This bouquet shows a modern linear style with sunshine orchids, calla lillies and ranunculus.

Corsages and Boutonnieres

This wrist corsage shows a pick color scheme with accents of bright green (above.)
This pin-on corsage combines shades of orange, fuschsia and yellow (below.)
This boutoniere goes with the corsage on the left. It is bright green with a pink satin finish.